I shuffle through so many emotions in one school day it's ridiculous. Nervous to excited, melancholy to content, energetic, talkative, confused... all in 7 hours. My classes are good. Math is getting a TINY bit better. I talked with my teacher and he told me to work on what I can and to not worry about things too much. I also went online and printed out notes on elementary trigonometry, studied them that night, and brought them to class to study while the teacher was teaching (i probably won't be able to follow most things he says for awhile...). But I think that studying in class really helps because i'm pretty sure I will be able to do the homework for Monday! My other classes are pretty good. Certain things are quite difficult to understand, but all of my teachers are wonderful and see that I am trying, so even if I can't keep up with the class all the time I think everything will be fine. Spanish, religion, and geography (and of course English) aren't much of a problem (yet). I love taking Spanish here, it's wonderful to view another language from the point of view of a different one! It makes me understand French better as well. I am having to do about twice as much homework as a lot of kids because I have to translate a lot of notes/readings/questions, but that will get better with time. My theater class is also wonderful, so many of the "games" are so similar to those of my theater class in the U.S.! We're going to put on a play at the end of the year, I can't wait!         
       The social situation isn't half bad at school. There's a wonderful group of people that are my "friends" right now, but I know it will take a little while to find good friends. I had to remind myself half way through this week that it was the first week of school: I don't have to have great friends and understand everything yet! If everything was easy, there would be no point in coming. I've had to remind myself of that quite a few times this week :).
         Everything is wonderful with my host family. I'm feeling the relationship beginning to deepen: we joke more, I have more chores, they're beginning to tell me more rules and treat me more like a member of the family. I'm able to follow dinner conversations a bit better now, and I'm talking much more than before! I'm really appreciating how wonderful my host family is. I've fallen into a nice routine, and I think that's really important! 
         I have a district Rotary event tomorrow, it will be really good to see a lot of the exchange students again! 
Bonne nuit
Marcy Clark
9/11/2010 11:59:42 pm

Sweet Savannah!

Now seems like a good time for my favorite Tom Hanks quote from the movie, "A League of Their Own":

"It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it great."

Ok, it's referring to baseball -- but it also turns out to be a really good mantra for any worthy challenge. Like...an aventure en belgique! :)

Savannah, you are a great person doing a great thing! Thank you for taking us along with you in your blog--



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