Coucou!! I haven't been up to anything really exciting since my last post. I had a relaxing/host family/homework day on Sunday, school and zumba on Monday, and today I had my Tuesday rotary meeting! Those are so great. I love talking with Lucas and Yu-Chi, two other students from Brazil and Taiwan who also come to the meetings every week. Connecting with other exchange students is the best; it's one of my favorite parts about being here. 
   I've had a couple of hard moments in the past few days, but they're still fewer and fewer so I'm not worrying about it :) It's still up and down! But it seems to be leveling out a bit. 
    Learning French is still so fun. I don't tire of it like a lot of students seem to, but maybe that's just because I love the language so much! I'm finding myself not needing to translate conversations in my head and just thinking in French... it's a crazy, wonderful feeling. 
Bonne nuit!

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