I have been here for two months now, and it feels like yesterday that I wrote my one month post. Like I said before, time passes in the strangest way while on an exchange. On one hand I feel like I've been here forever, and on the other hand these two months have flown by. One thing I know for certain: I couldn't be happier. In August it was a complete up and down. One day I would be crying and the next laughing and smiling. September evened it out much more, and towards the end the ups and downs were over and I felt good most of the time. And now in October, it has completely leveled out, and it reaching a happier level each day! Everyone at school is wonderful, I feel like I am really making some friends. The classes are going well and I'm understanding them pretty well (ignoring the 20% on physics test... :P, but I'm not good at physics in the U.S. anyways!). But most importantly: French! Most of the time I feel confident while speaking and I can understand so much. I am really starting to appreciate what a beautiful language it is, I love speaking and communicating so much. 
A little list of facts/observations:
-Everyone dresses pretty nicely here. You never see a kid wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants at school here. The guys wear polos/fitted t-shirts/nice sweatshirts/sweaters. The girls dress similar to girls in the U.S. but more fancy, with a few differences:
            -Fitted leather jackets are everywhere
            -Big, knit sweaters are popular (that are 3/4 sleeved with long sleeved shirts sticking out)
            -Heeled boots
            -No flip-flops
            -Belts are very big, and not just for keeping your jeans up. Many girls just loosely put a belt on around their hips and over their shirts

-The other morning didn't know what I wanted for breakfast, and then i saw the lasagna that we had had the other night in the fridge. I took it out and heated it up to eat, and when Valérie (host mom) and Perrine (sister) walked in the kitchen they couldn't believe that I was eating something with vegetables, cheese, and meat for breakfast. I guess they wouldn't like cold pizza for breakfast either? :)

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