After a winter that turned out to not be as cold as in New England (despite all of my friends here telling me "T'es en Belgique maintenant- il fait toujours froid!" [You're in Belgium now- it's always cold!]) beautiful Spring is here. For the moment it is incredibly beautiful. The past week has been full of sunshine and 60 degree days- the exact contradiction of typical Belgian weather. Each day I wake up sure that today will be the day that the rain and clouds come back, and so far I have been wrong every time!
     First the weather starts acting up- and now time comes along following its example. All of a sudden I feel as if I have hardly any time left here. Even though in reality it's 3 months, it feels like a short series of very full weeks. In a week and a half I am going to Italy for 10 days with Rotary (I am SO excited!!!!!!), three weeks after my parents are coming to visit, two weeks after that the exams start, and then...
    But I know that I still have tons of unplanned adventures and learning in front of me- for example what I did today. A week ago I would never have thought that I would be on a Belgian television/talk show! They wanted to do a show about Rotary and exchange students, and they asked me to come on the show with a Rotarian!!! It was one of those exchange student experiences- something that could never happen to you otherwise (except for Marianne- I told the journalist that came to the Rotary meeting that my host sister loved the show, and she was invited to be on it too!). It will air next Wednesday- and the link will be here! 

My street :)

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