This week was fantastic- full of both planned and unplanned adventures and friends. After the exhausting day/night of the surprise party and carnaval and an afternoon of sleeping, my host sister and host cousins had a fries and movie night! The frites and their numerous (and I mean 20 different choices) sauces never get old. Wednesday I went to the very chic seaside city of Knokke for the day with friends from school. While it was a fantastic day, I'm starting to realize that every coastal city in Belgium is the same! Thursday night was a night that I have been waiting for since Demember- the Katy Perry concert in Brussels! I went with my two first host sisters (Perrine and Florence) and our other friend who is also named Florence. Even if you're not a huge fan of Katy Perry's music, her concert is something to see. Full of bright lights and big decorations, numerous costume changes, trapeze artists, fantastic back up dancers, and even a movie that was played between songs, I felt like I was attending much more than a concert. It was better than I had imaged!!! 
       I can't believe that this week is over either, time goes by so quickly! In one month I will be in Italy... and I have already been here for seven months! 
Here are a couple pictures (still none of Binche, but hopefully soon because it's my host sister who has all of them!)
Katy Perry!
Me, Judith, and Ludovic in Knokke (Alexia is taking the picture). This is La Place Rose (the pink square). You can't really see it, but even the water is pink!

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