It has definitely been too long since I have done a blog post, I have been so busy! The 26th, I left with my first host family for 8 days in Switzerland. Between the incredible scenery, the skiing, and my host family, it was a trip that I will never forget. I felt as if I became much closer to my host family, especially my host sister, Perrine. Florence couldn't come because she has her exams in January, in my opinion they are much too serious about exams here! It would have been great to have her come as well. But in any case, it was a great week filled with "apéros" (the appetizer before a meal, white wine and lots of little snacks that lasts for about two hours), cheese, fondue (meat AND cheese), late nights, good talks, sledding, skiing, and to finish off the week 
      A couple days ago I changed families. While it definitely wasn’t a big change like many kids have, it was still hard to leave my first host family. The great thing is that my first and second families live within walking distance, they are friends, and I take a dance class with my first host mom and sister, so I will end up seeing them at least once a week! On the other hand, I absolutely adore my second host family. I have a host sister and a host brother, and both they and the parents are great. I love my room, the pets, and the family atmosphere, and I know that I will be really happy here.
       I can’t believe that it is January. In August when I was feeling homesick I used to say to myself “If you can make it to January, you’ll be half way through and you will be fine”. And now I am there, and I am more than fine. I know that each month will pass faster and faster, and while that scares me a bit, I know that I will be enjoying myself like I never have before. I can’t wait to see what the rest of my exchange brings me, and at the same time I can! School starts again Monday, and while I now have a bit more of a Belgian attitude about it (“ohhh… school??”), I’m really excited to see my friends. Every day I feel more thankful for this opportunity, the people that I’ve met, and the language that I am learning.



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