This weekend I went with my host sister Marianne and her scout troop of 40 girls ages 8-12 on a weekend that the scouts call a "hike" (pronounced "aike" in French, for the first, I'd say, 25 times that I heard that word I could not for the life of me figure out what it was: "What is an aike? What a strange word...". And then I saw it on paper). It's for the younger scouts to go away for a weekend with their chefs (the counselors, who are all about 19 or 20 years old) to play games, be together, do some indoor camping, and just have a good time! It reminded me a lot of summer camp, but for a weekend. And being a stand in camp counselor for 40 adorable French speaking kids is quite a treat :) One of my favorite questions that I was asked: C'est vrai que tu es venue de l'autre bout du monde juste pour être avec nous ce weekend? (Is it true that you came from the other side of the world just to be with us this weekend?). From playing Uno and getting my hair braided, to listening to guitar music before bed and a burping war between my friend and her boyfriend, this weekend was lots of fun!
       I hope that I will have pictures soon, but I can't be sure because I forgot all about taking them! Hopefully someone else did :)
2/22/2011 08:07:20 am

Hi Honey,
Just read up on your blog again after not seeing it for a while. It's fun to read and I hope you'll keep at it.
Can't wait to see you.


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