For some reason 4 months seems a whole lot bigger than 3 months... But I'm sure that's exactly what I will say at 5 months as well. I've been thinking a lot about my time here, about how short it actually is, especially because Lucas, the exchange student from Brazil, left yesterday. Sunday night we (the 3 host families) had a big dinner for him, it was a happy, sad, but all around wonderful night. I just remember back in September when he told me that he was leaving in middle of December, at the time it seemed so far away but it has already come. Right now June seems so far away but I know that it will pass more quickly than I can imagine and than I want. I'm really feeling like I need to relish every second!!!
     Here are some pictures of the Christmas decorations and a lovely sunset from the other night:

1/26/2012 04:57:06 am

THX for info

1/27/2012 12:52:16 am

Nice article bro

2/25/2012 01:49:13 pm

is quickly

3/21/2012 06:56:36 am

Great info, thx

3/27/2012 03:38:00 am

nice post

3/30/2012 07:35:41 am

good post


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