      So here is my Rotary Jacket. Every Rotary exchange student gets a blazer (most of the time blue but some countries have other colors), I will wear it in the airport, at Rotary events, and put pins on it from other exchange students! I have a few pins now because of the students who were here in Massachusetts/Connecticut this year on an exchange. Me and the other three girls from the district going away as outbounds this year (Mina; Italy, Mika; Spain, Samya; Peru) all met them and we hung out a few times. They were such amazing people and I hope I get to see some of them this year in Europe! 
      I had my going away party yesterday, it was better than I had hoped and I saw a lot of people I haven't seen since school. I'm going to miss everyone so much, but I'm excited to skype, share stories, and see people when I return! 
Bonne Nuit et Bisous!

8/9/2010 09:08:53 am

Hey shemxyyy. I can't wait to hear about what happens when you arrive. And oyeee, don't forget to give me your addresss mkay? <333333

8/11/2010 04:06:58 am

So excited for you, Savannah! Really responding to your last post: Yes, I imagine that you will have moments of terror and loneliness, and even doubts, but these are the moments that ultimately will push you and teach you the most about yourself.

I still love to get pushed out of my comfort zone because then you learn what you're really made of. The last time was when I was in India -- scary! So loud, so fast, so different from the U.S. But then I relaxed and reminded myself that I didn't have to understand everything that was going on around me, and it was ok if I made a mistake, because, really who was noticing me at all anyway?

So this is your moment -- I know that you will dive in with gusto and without fear and you will come back in the spring with a million stories and memories that will be with you even when you're a gorgeous old woman!

I'll be following your adventures avidly.

Love and hugs!

Emma Martin
8/13/2010 12:01:35 am

blah, don't leave, bah humbug

p.s. we love you <3


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